Thursday 11 January 2018

Perth Home Builders Preparing For Rising Sea Levels

Several recent studies reported that by the year 2100 many coastal communities around Australia will be inundated with water due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. Environmental groups and climate change advocates have been talking about this for many years but very few people are taking action to prepare their properties for the future because the threat is not immediate. As Perth home builders who are dedicated to building strong, resilient housing for the future, we believe the responsibility of educating new home buyers may come down to individual companies that are building homes in the areas most likely to be affected.

This month the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released renewed research indicating the likelihood of sea levels rising up to 2.7m is now much higher than previously reported thanks to the acceleration of melting ice in Greenland and Antarctica. Under this latest modelling, it is suggested that Elizabeth Quay, Langley Park and areas of the Kwinana Freeway will be almost submerged as well as parts of Rockingham and Safety Bay being affected by high tides whereas the previous mapping was undertaken only 3 years ago showed these areas as being relatively safe.

The Chairman of the Australian Coastal Councils Association, Barry Sammels, has called for the Federal Government to show more leadership in dealing with this issue instead of waiting until the threat is imminent. Too many people simply believe that climate change won't affect them and they, therefore, shrug it off without taking action, but climate change is happening now and it's not going to go away! Homeowners in coastal areas should at least be taking the time to become aware of how rising sea levels could affect their homes, ways they can safeguard their homes and possibly even saving money to prepare for future adaptations to their homes.

Home builders Perth should also be considering ways to help their future clients build homes that can easily adapt to the forecasted conditions, or homes that will be resilient to natural disasters. It's not just homeowners and builders that need to prepare for the future because both private and public businesses will also be affected particularly in the Perth CBD, so building owners as well as commercial builders Perth should be participating in the preparations for the future of their property assets or offering the best solutions for the benefit of their clients.

Great Living Homes have developed unique technology for building 2 storey houses which they believe will also be useful in assisting homeowners to prepare their homes for future natural disasters. While this idea is still in the early stages of research and development, this is just one example of how this business is contributing to educating our local community and attempting to address the effects of climate change on the housing industry. 

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